Shiloh New Covenant Church in Cumberland, Virginia shares worship and a message. Click the links to be taken to the worship or message.
September 19, 2021
Shiloh New Covenant Church in Cumberland, VA shares a message from September 19, 2021. Click the link to go to the message.
September 12, 2021
Shiloh New Covenant Church in Cumberland, VA shares a message from September 12, 2021. Click the link to go to the message.
September 5, 2021
Shiloh New Covenant Church in Cumberland, VA shares a message from September 5, 2021.
August 29, 2021
Shiloh New Covenant Church in Cumberland, Virginia, shares links to the worship set and to the message from August 29, 2021.
Exercise Class Returns
Our exercise class will be back in full swing every Tuesday at 5:30 PM, starting on September 7. All exercise levels are welcome. We will be starting out, very slowly, at the beginner level. Please join us!
“You don’t have to be great to start, but you have to start to be great!”
Text or call Kristin Ownby if you have any questions: (804) 982-1911.
Andre Bronkhorst Returns to Shiloh on August 21 and 22
Andre Bronkhorst will be returning to Shiloh New Covenant Church. He will be speaking on August 21 at 6:00 PM and on August 22 at 10:30 AM. Please join us.
For more details about Andre, you can click here or on his name in the menu bar under the picture of the church.
Help us “Load the Truck”!
Shiloh New Covenant Church is partnering with Emmanuel Youth Mission to send school supplies and simple, inexpensive toys to children being served in El Salvador. Each year a truck of supplies is driven to the mission site to deliver the collected materials. We are trying to gather enough items for 30 children. Won’t you help us fill the truck?
Following is a list of items needed. If an item is not listed, then we have enough of that particular supply. (The number in parentheses after each one is how many of each item has been collected.)
School Supplies:
Erasers (20 packs)
Colored Pens (3 packs)
Composition Books (wide rule) (17)
Spiral Notebooks (wide rule)
Small Pencil Sharpeners (4)
Drawing Paper
Drawing Tablets
Construction Paper
Simple, Inexpensive Toys:
Marbles (1)
Jump Ropes
Coloring Books
Collected items should be brought to the church by Sunday, September 19. Any community member wanting to provide items for this project can send a private Facebook message to the church to get information about locations for dropping off their donation.
Thank you for your support of this mission project to load the truck with supplies for children in El Salvador!
Coats for Cumberland
This will be the 7th year that we have given away free coats to anyone in Cumberland who needs a warm coat. We have given away hundreds of coats over the years.
Restrictions last year made us rethink how we could give out coats and we came up with a system that worked really well. We will be doing the same thing this year.
1) Flyers will be placed in the community and social media used to let our county know we are offering free coats.
2) Boxes will be placed in key locations where people can fill out a request form and turn it in. Forms may be found at the WIC office, Social Services, the Clothes Closet and the Cumberland Pharmacy.
3) Our congregation and other local churches will be asked to collect coats that are gently used, laundered and needing no repairs OR to even buy new coats to be given away. Coats of all sizes, gender and color are needed.
4) We will match the list of needs to the coats that are donated.
5) Pairs of shoppers will be sent out with a list of coats that are still needed. They will purchase and return the coats.
6) Coats are labeled for the individuals who need them with calls made to give them an appointment to pick up their coats.
7) Any leftover coats are either stored or donated.
Call to action: Please start checking your closets and shopping for coats for this year’s giveaway. Also, pray that we are able to meet every need and that the recipients receive each coat as a warm embrace from God.
Deadline: September 5, 2021
Message August 15, 2021
Shiloh New Covenant Church in Cumberland, Virginia shares a message from Pastor Kyle Corbin.